Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Grandma Is Here!

Today started off with a beautiful sunrise--so, I took these shots for Cecelia. The rest of you are welcome to look at them, but they were taken with her in mind. It was too cold to have my coffee out there, and the ice on the porch was too much for my slippers, so I took the shots and scooted back in, and imagined her in the big red bathrobe--and the morning we all sipped coffee together while watching the sun rise.

We headed North to pick up Grandma Richards who was flying in from Michigan. We left sunny Sweet Home, and drove right into fog 15 miles from home, and it stayed that way the rest of the day. We arrived at the airport just as she called to tell us she was in baggage...again, perfect timing. Ryan ran in to help her with her bag and we were on our way. It was a rainy drive home so we took the back way home, and arrived back around 3:00.

After dinner Ryan broke out the cribbage board and he and Grandma had a round of cribbage, I'm sure one of many that will happen this trip. Follow along this week, as we're sure to have lots of adventures to post!

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