Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 24, 2014 in Israel

I cant say much more than WOW!  I have never been so full emotion, and so eager to see more!!!

We started our day at 5:30---and we were out the door by 7:00.  We needed cappuccinos!!  We enjoyed those, and then headed to Caesarea by the Sea to King Herod’s summer home.  It was amazing to be sitting in the amphitheater and hear the word from Tom, from exactly where it was written.  To view where Paul was held, and where he witnessed to the Romans (Acts 25:13 through chapter 26).


We walked through the area where the chariot races were held, and then through the community bath houses.



The stone mosaics were awesome and amazingly in great shape. 


We went from there to the gates of the city, and entered in to where the retailers would sell there wares, and if you closed your eyes you could see the ancient hustle and bustle of the everyday life



We sat at  an outdoor cafĂ©, and had frozen drinks along the Mediterranean Sea. 


Once we left Caesarea we headed to Tel Megiddo where there are 25 layers of different cities.  The valley was overwhelming and to know that this is where the end will be was even more emotional.  The ruins there were interesting, and we had tour guide Barbie “aka Erick”  to read to us, since we all had to share one map. 


We had a message on top of  Tel Megiddo, starting in Revelation 16 :11.  I can’t even begin to explain how different it is sitting and viewing where they are writing about.  It is very moving.


From there we went into the waterworks system that they built to provide fresh water.  We went down 183 steps and through the tunnel…it was pretty amazing. 


We moved on to Mt Carmel.  This was where Elijah shared true worship  450 prophets of Baal saw the works of our God.  Looking down on Israel….it was amazing to see where this happened.  Kings1 18:20





We headed home and had enough time to head down to the beach, and crawl all over Herods Aquaduct.  


We had a beautiful sunset, and a nice walk.  We headed back to dinner of spaghetti and salad.  Several headed to bed, to the pool and others sat up and visited.  It has been a great time of getting to know  our brothers and sisters. 

Stay tuned for more to come…

Blessings until next time!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Uganda Bound

What a day….what a night!  I began to panic yesterday as I realized my carry on was 1 1/2” too wide.  We had some running around to do, some last minute packing of the Uganda supplies we are taking with us and  we really wanted to spend some family time together.  Well, we spent family time….but it was in our bedroom while Bill & I totally unpacked my bag, and loaded everything back up military style.  We laughed, I cried, (you know how emotional I can be..) and by 12:30, I was in bed.  I’m almost certain I had just shut my eyes when the alarm went off at 4:30.  

The last day of work was good, and I was pretty emotional from the time I left work until I got home.  This is the first time I’ve been away from home without Bill & kids….let alone out of the county.  We had dinner, packed up the last of my bags, and headed up to the church property to meet the rest of our team. It was an amazing time of prayer  with some of our church family. 

We loaded up and headed to Portland where we thought we were going to get a good night of rest..however, the only shuttle they had left to the airport was 3:20…with a 2:30 wake up call.  So we did what any group would do….the old married couple went to bed…the guys went to bed…and we girls…well, we ordered a couple pizzas…charged our phones, and had some great laughs. 


It’s been a day full of emotions…sad, happy, excitement and now tired.  We plan to just staying up now…we will catch up with you on the East coast, or in Israel.  Keep us in your prayers for our next 27 hours of travel!!  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Travel Anxiety~~Travel Links~~COUNTDOWN!

It hit me...as Kristin wanted to watch a movie tonight...to spend time together before left....I am LEAVING in TWO days.  Tomorrow was my review everything and pick up a few things from Walmart day.....but of course, everything today didn't get finished..although I loved the time we spent.  I am now in that 'anxious' mode....my carry on, is carry on size, but it's a half inch bigger than the tag said...is it going to work?  Can I get it all pulled together...I haven't seen what I packed in three days...is it all there??  Oh boy....the anxiety!  I have awakened every morning this week with a clenched jaw...stress...but yet excited.  All the mixed emotions bundled up in one.  It's times like these that I'm reminded I am trying to control it all...and I feel weak. I need to remember who is in control..and it's not me!

SO, I pray, I work on what I can and realize my taxes are NOT going to get done before I go.  My desk is NOT going to get cleaned off before I go, and my stuff will get in the suitcase, my body will be on time to the church property, and I will sigh a big sigh of relief as we board the plane knowing that what is with me, is all I need, and what I forgot, I will live without!  I found peace in this tonight:

Here are some helpful links while we are gone....

The main page I will posting to for myself is this site....

The main page I will be working on for the church will be HERE---but that will most likely link you direct to the main church blog page HERE.  There are several of us that will be shooting pictures for this page!  Some of us that love landscape and nature, and one who is incredible with portraits.  

Of course, facebook will be a quick update as we are out and about.

Meet the TEAM I'm traveling with HERE

Travel Schedule is HERE

So, I head off to bed with 115 or so things running through my head....and realize, I forgot to turn in my time card at the Dentist...oh boy...I guess I will square that away on my next time card!!

Two of our team arrived in Israel today...sleeping I'm sure, and dragging most likely.  Praying for them to get all our provisions, and praying for the rest of our team to pull it all together, and head out of here in less than 48 hours!!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentines Day

Valentines Day~~  A day that Bill told me when we were dating was a "Hallmark Holiday"!  I loved him then and I love him now...even though we've not really celebrated the holiday.  There have been a few times where he surprised me, and that makes it so much more special because I never expected it.  A new wedding set, for Valentines just before our 15th wedding anniversary....roses one year just because we had a sick kid and he thought I needed a Valentines treat.  BUT this year...my Valentines gift isn't from Bill directly.  Don't get me wrong, he's had a huge part in it, because he has been right here beside me, helping me purchase, pack and support me for this huge trip I'm about to embark on.  I was blessed again today...by a wonderful friend, and her sweet Granddaughter.  It was her time, and her love that clipped my hair for my Uganda trip, and sent me out the door, not accepting a dime.  She said it was her gift to my mission. My heart was swelling as I realized there are so many that have helped in so many different ways.  Yes, the money was a huge part, and more people than I could ever name have helped...so many have supported my individual fund raisers, and our group ones. But what blessed me besides the funds are the other things happening to and around me---My team at work is pulling together to cover the time I will be gone, and picking up the slack.  I've had luggage loaned and donated to me, parts of my wardrobe given and made for me, earrings made especially for me, leggings for under my skirts...to keep mosquito's from bothering me....advice from those that have traveled, donations of items for my fundraisers, and the list goes on and on.  How can I ever repay you for the kindness and love you have shown?   

Your generosity overwhelms me, and collectively as I mentally realized as I left my friends shop, how much help I've had for this trip, I cried all the way to the gas station...where I collected myself to drive home.  You know who you are, you know the part you have played in my journey and I am so thankful.  I had one person tell me that her gift was so "trivial", but I am reminded of the woman who gave two small coins, and even though she thought it was "trivial", it was a true gift, because it came from her heart, she gave when she had almost nothing to give.  So, whether you've helped me collect orders for my fundraisers, sent me funds, loaned or gave me items for my trip, cut my hair, blessed me with gifts you've made for my trip, or just prayed for me to make my goal, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful Valentine's gift.  I am truly blessed!! 

ONE more week and I am headed on my journey.  This weekend will be packed with getting ready, and finishing up my last minute purchases.  I seek your prayers for me to stay healthy...felt like I had a cold coming on yesterday, but feel much better today.  I will keep you posted on events this week, and of course, on my journey.

Blessings until next time and Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

From 19 to 55 degrees in 5 days

It's been an incredible few days.  We went from 19 degrees on Friday to 55 degrees on Wednesday.  I realize that's only a gain of 36 degrees...but it's the drastic change in precipitation that we've had!!!  Thursday was light fluffy now, with beautiful fluffy flakes.  The prettiest I've ever seen in Oregon.  Then Friday, the heavy wet snow, as the temperature got a bit warmer and it was mixed with rain...until the temperature dropped...and it was an icy winter wonderland.  While it was beautiful, the damage it did to trees, electric and telephone wires was incredible.  We were without power for three and a half days....you begin to realize just how much you love to flush your toilet.  Thank heavens for downspouts and buckets!!

 Inside we had a mouse...kitties chased it under the fridge....and the watch was on.  Bill got out his camera and checked it out.  It wasn't long until they had that little guy!

Check out the rest of the pictures from our wintery weekend HERE

Fast forward to today, Wednesday.  It was 53 degrees as I left for work just a bit after 5am.  It is 55 out now, and the frogs and crickets are singing their Spring tunes....a sound I love.  The air smells fresh, and as I stood out on the driveway looking at stars peeking through the clouds, I thought in less than 10 days, I'm going to be halfway around the world....and I'm in for another weather change!!  It seems no matter the temperature, extreme hot, or extreme cold, we always want the other!!  I will be happy, no matter what the weather....I just feel so blessed to be heading off in a little over a week.  The excitement is overcoming the nerves, and after our team meeting on Monday I could hardly contain myself.  It's all so real!!

Today, there are some of our team dealing with sickness, and one of our group fell and dislocated her shoulder.  It has been relocated, but with a lot of pain and possible damage.  She will see a specialist on Monday.  Please be praying for her, as well as the rest of our team, that we stay healthy and those not feeling well and dealing with illness, that they will be well.  

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Day 2-6-14

Snow!!!  In 14 days (I'm pretending it's tomorrow already), we head off on our adventure.  We will wonder how we could have ever been cold!!  As I write, it is 70 degrees at 8am in Uganda--the high is 86 for tomorrow(Today--its already Uganda's tomorrow!)  

However, it's still today in Sweet Home! We woke to 19 degrees.  We hit a high of 23, and have 10 inches of snow.  I can hear the snow/sleet hitting the skylights in the kitchen and I wonder if the freezing rain/slush I hear is going to make things worse.  So far no plow through here, although ODOT in Sweet Home takes care of the pass from this end..and I'm sure Linn County is busy with main roads.  I am not holding high hopes of getting out of here tomorrow.  Today started off a bit snowy, but by the time I was out of Sweet Home, the roads were clear, and until I hit I-5 in Brownsville, there wasn't even any snow or rain.  By the time I got to work it was starting to stick.  By 11 AM they were requiring chains on I-5 just 7 miles before our exit.  I decided it was time to head home. The roads were bad, but by Michigan standards, they were pretty good!!  I was glad to get off the freeway and hit the 25 miles of road to home...it was snow covered, but the suburban and 4wd did great...it was actually a pretty drive home.  I got him just under an hour and half....took care of our snow bound chickens, and enjoyed some time before Bill got home.  Once Bill was home, we headed to the neighbors to help Kristin feed...OK, she fed, we played in the snow and with the animals.  It was beautiful!!  You can view all the pictures here...and a warning...lots of snow and horse pictures...view at your own discretion!!  Running horses in the snow are hard not to photograph!!

Praying for the additional 3-5 inches to not come tonight...I don't particularly want to drive in it again tomorrow!  Thanks for all those prayers for me while traveling today...I appreciate them!

Blessings until something strikes the urge in me to blog.....



Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Around May 2013, after committing to go on this mission trip, I really started having doubts as to if I was meant to go on this trip.  The first thing was an overlapping vacation at work.  Vacation scheduling was months away, yet a coworker & I chose the EXACT same two weeks.  Strike One.  Strike Two came when my cousin shared with me the dangers of traveling to Africa.  Politically, things are not good there.  I was beginning to be afraid.  Strike Three hit when Bill said his heart really wasn't in the mission trip, and he feared his headaches would prevent him from even enjoying any part of the trip.   Mind you...all three strikes came on the same day!!!  My first deposit wasn't due for several months, and I thought maybe it just wasn't meant to be.  I was then doubting my trip, my commitment and could I do this trip without Bill?

THEN, this verse--

it was in my devotion THAT very evening.  The devotion that accompanied it was amazing and spoke right to me.  It said 'How will you know the plans I have for you if you never step outside of your comfort zone"?  My name Shawnna could have been right behind the word ZONE.  I thought about this.  How will I ever know, if I never step outside of my idea  of "safe"? How could I back out and regret what might have been?  I read on in my devotion.  "Trust me...that is all I ask"  "Trust me to give you what you need when you need it, and to grow in my love for you".  Now, HOW do you say no to GOD when he prints those very words on a page the VERY day that you need them?  They would have been pointless any other day.  However, that is how I see God...always giving me exactly what I need, exactly when I need it.  He's like that...loves me and give me what I need, and right when I need it.  Always on time.

So I keep this picture...I am reminded that this will be me in Israel and Uganda...wandering along this path, seeking the adventure and lesson that is next for me...whatever His will might be.... 



I must admit, 18 months ago when I said "I'd love to go to Uganda" I never realized it would come so quickly!!  It seemed so far away, and I often wondered if I would meet my fundraising goal.  I have met that goal, had all my shots, and been blessed beyond my wildest dreams!! 

Five years ago, if you'd have said "Lets go to a country that we have to get shots to enter, take medicine while we are there, can't drink the water, get it in your eyes, or ears, and need to worry about getting little bugs that lay their eggs in your toes..." I would have said NO WAY! 

HOWEVER, the excitement I felt while our pastor was in Uganda last time ( I was blog posting while he was there for our church to follow along), and the tugging God put on my heart was all it took!  Now I am FIFTEEN DAYS away from departure.  I have been blessed with funds for the cost of my trip, blessed with funds for my shots, a suitcase for travel, and the list goes on!!  I have started filling the suitcase..I've had a laundry basket filled with "stuff" for weeks, and as I think of things I drop it in, and check one more thing off the list. I am now wondering, Do I have enough, do I have too much, have I forgotten something?  My mind is a flurry of activity (yes, more than usual).  It's hard not to get sucked into daydreaming of my trip and sharing the excitement with the group I am blessed to be going with.   

Aside from the excitement is the nerves.  First, I worry about home...will Bill eat, will he suffer with migraines worse than his everyday migraines, will they keep up on things around here, will everyone be alive when I return?  There are two teenagers in our home!!  I ask for your prayers not only for our team going, but for all our families here at home.  My kids are bigger, but one of our gals has little ones at home, and I know it will be tougher for her!!  The other worry is traveling to foreign countries...airports and customs....language barriers...traditions and cultural differences...you name it, I've thought about it.(AND if I haven't, don't give me more to think about)!  I know God is faithful and will take care of this.  I pray for his peace through this...and for the adventure of a lifetime.

I will post our schedule soon so you can follow along.  Please continue to pray for us as we pack, complete shots, and wrap up things at home!  

Found this video on a friends page, she's headed to Uganda as well...check this out...worth the watch, and it's where we are headed.  Hope to meet Peter!

Click to Follow the Link 

Blessings until next time!