Around May 2013, after committing to go on this mission trip, I really started having doubts as to if I was meant to go on this trip. The first thing was an overlapping vacation at work. Vacation scheduling was months away, yet a coworker & I chose the EXACT same two weeks. Strike One. Strike Two came when my cousin shared with me the dangers of traveling to Africa. Politically, things are not good there. I was beginning to be afraid. Strike Three hit when Bill said his heart really wasn't in the mission trip, and he feared his headaches would prevent him from even enjoying any part of the trip. Mind you...all three strikes came on the same day!!! My first deposit wasn't due for several months, and I thought maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I was then doubting my trip, my commitment and could I do this trip without Bill?
THEN, this verse--
it was in my devotion THAT very evening. The devotion that accompanied it was amazing and spoke right to me. It said 'How will you know the plans I have for you if you never step outside of your comfort zone"? My name Shawnna could have been right behind the word ZONE. I thought about this. How will I ever know, if I never step outside of my idea of "safe"? How could I back out and regret what might have been? I read on in my devotion. "Trust me...that is all I ask" "Trust me to give you what you need when you need it, and to grow in my love for you". Now, HOW do you say no to GOD when he prints those very words on a page the VERY day that you need them? They would have been pointless any other day. However, that is how I see God...always giving me exactly what I need, exactly when I need it. He's like that...loves me and give me what I need, and right when I need it. Always on time.
So I keep this picture...I am reminded that this will be me in Israel and Uganda...wandering along this path, seeking the adventure and lesson that is next for me...whatever His will might be....
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