Friday, November 27, 2020

A New Beginning

It has been a long 11 years.  We had struggles, we were selfish, we were angry and unforgiving.  We suffered from not spending the right kind of time together and looking at what each other wasn't doing for the other. We were exhausted from running on the hamster wheel.  Nothing changing, repeating the same mistakes over and over.  That ended in July of 2018 when we separated and divorced in September of 2018. After over 30 years of marriage and 32 years together. 

It wasn't always that way.  We were the best of friends.  We loved to do the same things.  We always dreamed of traveling the country together when we retired. We loved camping, hiking, the coast, taking long naps together on Sunday's, building things together, and working on projects side by side.  There wasn't much that we couldn't get through together.  That was, until we stopped focusing on God in our marriage, and let Satan in.  He helped us seek our own satisfaction. We did nothing but find the "wrong" in each other.  Instead of Trusting God, we followed our own desires. Bill moved out July of 2018.  

May 14, 2020. A day I dreaded.  It would have been our 32nd wedding anniversary.  I sunk into a deep depression the days prior.  God kept putting on my heart to message Bill yet he was dating someone else.  I had also gone down that path shortly after we separated and it was a terrible mistake.   All this time apart, God had been working on Bill while I tried to find happiness in another person.  It failed--no one but God could make me happy.  I made so many mistakes in that first year away from Bill.  I felt empty and ashamed.   It didn't take long for me to realize what Bill and I had together.  We started talking again and tried to date in the summer of 2019, but God wasn't done with us yet. It was my turn for God to work on me.  God had to remove Bill from my reach, so that I would learn to trust Him.  It was a painful time, yet God blessed me with many friends that assured me that being Still and Trusting God were what I needed to focus on.  I thought Bill was lost to me for good.  Then the signs started coming in late March, then more in April.  Then our Anniversary day arrived.  God kept at me to message Bill.  I was afraid of upsetting him, but most of all, I was afraid of rejection and more pain.  I finally got out of bed, at the very end of the day on our anniversary.  I messaged Bill that although he was dating someone else, I couldn't let the day go by without acknowledging our anniversary. I shared that it would always be special to me, and I told him I missed him. I went to bed at peace, and turned it over to the Lord.   That message was answered the first thing the next morning at 6am with a single line text " Happy Anniversary--I miss you too".    So began our journey of healing, mending and focusing on how God very plainly showed us that His plan was for us to be together, but HIS way this time.  We have worked hard at restoring what was lost, putting God first be Still and Trusting in each step forward that we take.

October 11th, 2020--Savannah Georgia:

Bill got down on one knee, and instead of a glass slipper like Cinderella, he gave me my wedding set that I had lost (Kristin had it), It fit perfectly as he slipped it on my finger and asked me to marry him again   It was my fairy tale come true.  I had been looking in all the wrong places for all the wrong things.  My prince had been in front of me for 32 years, how foolish for me to lose sight of that.  How foolish of both of us to lose sight of what was important.  What God did put together, let no one pull apart.  He is the glue that binds us together.  He is the one that has worked in us both, blessed us both and will keep us focused, on Him first, and each other next.  We are praying that we may serve Him in some way to honor him for blessing us.  


Our Happily Ever After Day is December 12th, where we will recommit ourselves to each other in front of God and our kids.    We seek nothing more than prayers from our friends and family as we step out together in Faith, In Love and Until Death do us part. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

2016 with the Richards'

2016 with the Richards of Sweet Home

2016--  The highlight of January, was Kristin heading to winter formal.  With no boyfriend in the picture, she was blessed to go with one of her besties, Tanya.  They looked so beautiful, and had a great time.  The night flew by, and before they knew it, it was time to be home.  Sore feet from dancing, and memories to last a lifetime.  She also learned some good skills with Dad while working on her truck, and making a ramp for her dog to get into her truck.  

This is the new truck she bought in early DEC 2015, after rolling her first truck SEPT 2015.  We are grateful for her safety and she's learning new things about taking care of a truck.  

Ryan has been working at WILCO for almost a year, and the highlight for him this year was buying a truck.  He too, bought an now our driveway has three Ford trucks.  Of course the first thing you do, is crawl under it to check things out!   The truck has some beauty marks, but Ryan has done a great job of making it his own.

March also brought a special guy to our family.  Kristin met Jacob at school, but told him she didn't date guys at school and that she was only dating a guy that was a Christian.  Jacob threw her off guard when he pulled the new testament out of his pocket...and it looked worn and used. Needless to say, their first date was to a Sunday evening church service.  We loved him the minute we met him.  They both seem to be perfect matches for each other.  
Our first trip with him was to the coast for the day in April, and then dinner at our favorite place in Newport.  Ryan even approves of him.  Thankfully she is as loved by his family, as he is by ours.   

We had a beautiful spring, and spent lots of time outside working on clean up from the winter.  Kristin still has a swing in the chicken coop.  Being she gave up her playhouse for their coop...she figures the least they can do is let her keep her swing in the tree. 

Early May took Kristin and Bill to the tattoo shop to get piercings.  Bill tried the Daith piercing, which has helped his migrains brought on in the head, however, the neck induced ones still plague him.  He recently went to the DR and is starting physical therapy, and if nothing helps there, then they will run more tests.  Kristin pierced her nose!!!  It does look really cute!  Mid May Bill and I headed to the coast for our 28th Wedding Anniversary.  We stayed in Old Town Newport on the bay.  We love it there.   

Newport Bay & Bridge

Upon arriving home, the old electric range was moved out, and the new gas stove moved in.....OH happy day!!