Monday, April 27, 2009

HomeSchool Dissection

Kristin & Sydney

We are working on the Human Body for Science in our Home School Group. As many of you know, I teach Science and History--and REALLY get into both! We just finished the circulatory system a few weeks ago, and we had a friend who was butchering a steer--so, since it is now illegal for the slaughter guy to give away the heart, he can only give it to the farmer who is butchering the cow. Thankfully, Debbie & Bill were more than willing to help out our science class. What a treat it was, as it was the BIGGEST cow heart I had ever seen.
After brushing up on my dissection skills, and going over many heart dissections on the internet, I dove into the heart in class. To my dismay, one of the parts was missing (from the slaughter) and I was at a total loss and quickly became frustrated. Thankfully, a friend lives right across the street from the school--who taught High School Science for 10 years, and he was already interested in coming to class to view the dissection--so I gave him a call, and he came over early to help me sort it out. I even learned more from him in the few minutes we spent together. He agreed to help me out in class...and was a great assett. Thanks Dan! It just goes to show, teachers are never too old to learn new stuff either!!

We had a great class, and with the heart being so big, I saw things I'd never seen in my anatomy classes in college, it was a real fun project. The older kids did well, but to my surprise, the younger class (K-3rd grade) did great. They got right into it, and really enjoyed what we did. The deer heart I had for that class was a bit bloody, but very useful, and the size was less intimidating for them.

I did not put this on the school page...but this heart had already been rinsed many times! Thankfully, the butcher did a great job at draining & cleaning the cow heart for me...phew!

Miranda and her cutaway section After class, all the teachers kids (Kristin, Ryan, Sydney and Miranda) came down, and asked it they could explore the heart more. Since we were done with it..and no one wanted to take it home for supper, I let them hav at it! They spent another hour working with the tools, and the hearts, getting more in depth than we did in class....and worked together to find all the parts, then of course, they did get a kick out of "disposing" of it for me. They cut many cross sections, and explored more. Here are some pictures that I will not put on our school web page...but you can check that out too at

Sydney is really getting into this...I kept reminding her she had a white shirt on!

After awhile...Ryan left, and it was just the girls....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend Update 4-24 through 4-26

Friday, Bill & I woke to a beautiful morning. Bill was going a bit stir crazy in the house, being he's been home, and working on the basement. We decided to get away for the day..without the kids. They were very open to the idea, and think they were glad to have a day to themselves too. They both did most of their school before we left, and worked hard to get it finished, because they were allowed a movie while we were gone. It had been a No TV, No Computer week here at the house.

Bill & I headed out around 9:30, and arrived on the coast around 11:30. We did some bumming around, hit the Christian Book store (spent over an hour there!) and then headed to our favorite place in Depot Bay, where we played some cards, and watched the beautiful ocean with the sunshine on it. It was only about 55 degrees with a cool breeze on the we didn't head down...admired it from inside! After a nice day together, we headed home for supper with the kids & Robert. Robert had worked all day, and there was lots of chatter at the supper table of all the events of the day. Bill took a few pictures..and as usual...he always likes to add something in there...just to keep me wondering what will be next!

Bill saw an earplug on the ground...this was my surprise picture! Sometimes its potatoes, sometimes it's his toes, you just never know what will be on a camera that Bill gets his hands on!

These next two pictures are just a longstanding joke with Bill & I...

He started this years ago....and we have lots of pictures of us coming out of outhouses!! First he checks to see if I've got the camera...then notice how he thought if he ducked below the car door coming out I would miss him....haha Bill...Still got ya!! Saturday, Bill finished all the wiring in the basement. The toilet arrived, and now the plumbing can begin! It was a cool day and overcast. Hard to take after the beautiful weather we had all week. We are hoping it will return.

We did get to the O'Hara's for dessert on Saturday night. It was nice to get back together, after all the sickness, and topsey turvey lives we've had over this last month or so. It was so good to sit around, visit & laugh. Friends of the O'Hara's brought a HUGE cow heart for me to dissect in my science class on Monday...I can hardly wait!! Ryan opened the fridge and said "It almost makes me not want to eat"! (Notice, he said almost!!) It is pretty big, and takes up a good portion of the shelf...but after tomorrow, it will be history! (or science!) I will be sure to post a link to our school page.

Sunday, we spent a nice day together, just relaxing. Bill & I had a nap, while Ryan, Hunter & Kristin played a few rounds of Rockstar on the X-Box that Hunter brought along....a nice Sunday. Ashley was on the lookout for feeder visitors....funny....the Richards Bird Diner!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bathroom Project Progress

Bill & Robert worked in the basement most of today.

Kristin (AKA Fidget)--helping by checking the shower

Bill worked all morning & afternoon on running power. It is making it more visual of where everything will be. He's doing a really nice neat job...too bad no one will see how nice it looks once the walls are on!

Bill taking a break...nice tool belt?? Imported from PLAINS GEORGIA!! Bill's box and nice new wiring....
Robert worked on the shower, and chiseling a space for the P-Trap for the shower. If we had not chiseled into the basement floor, we would have had to raise the shower base another 5 inches (we are already raising it 3 1/2" due to the drain). Being there is no drain below the basement--we are "flushing up"--everything up & out! Our septic is almost at the same level if not a bit higher than our basement--due to it being off to the side of the house, and not below in the field (where our drain field is). After the wiring is finished...things will be at a standstill until the toilet and macerator/pump unit come. It is scheduled for delivery on Friday....then they can hook up the plumbing. With the pump, everything in the bathroom needs to be run into it, to be pumped up to the black pipe, which thankfully, is right on the same wall as the bathroom. Can't wait to see how cracking into that will be! Fun!! Stay tuned...we'll update you as more happens.
Roberts corner---Robert's superhero shower design (I told him it looked like a superhero emblem!)

All four walls in place....wired, and waiting for plumbing....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Birthdays & Projects

On Thursday, Bill & I headed to Corvallis for a Dr appointment, and then hit Home Depot for some supplies for the bathroom in the basement. Bill started on Friday AM putting up some walls, and working on the layout.

Bill with our makeshift toilet (bucket & a toilet seat!-for spacing only!!) Notice the stool & shopvac--in every remodel we've ever done!
Friday started early, with kids getting schoolwork finished so they could help make a special cake. Kristin had help finishing her work this morning!

Kristin working on her school with Mary Mae and Betty Lou (The beauty of homeschool...sitting on your bed in your jammies, working on your devotion)

Robert's birthday was on we celebrated on Friday with a few close friends. We had ice cream cake with the O'Hara's & the VonRuden's. We had a nice visit, and lots of laughs.

Robert & his ice cream cake....Jami & Jeremy

Kimberly made Robert a special egg for his birthday.......
Alexis & Kristin managed to get an overnighter worked out--and they were asleep within 30 minutes of everyone leaving. They slept until 7:30 or 8:00 and then had some breakfast. Bill was teasing Alexis because her hair kept hitting her cereal bowl, and we thought it would be drug through her Bill helped her out with a clothes pin!

Alexis & her cereal bowl hair keeper!
The girls headed outside after breakfast, and it was about 10 when they came back in, cold, and decided to snuggle under blankets on the couch and visit with some girl talk. They weren't there very long until both of them were sleeping!! They had a two hour nap, and then spent the rest of the day hanging out.
Bill and three of four bathroom walls and the door for the closet.
Chance, JayDee & Jeremy
Bill worked in the basement, until friends Jami & Jeremy came over, bringing their shepherd Chance. We've decided to give JayDee an opportunity to have a litter before we have her fixed. They are both inexperienced, but did enoy hanging out together today. We'll get them together tomorrow, and see how they do.
Chance...isn't he beautiful??

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter & Beyond's almost Friday and I've not posted Easter events! I say "almost" Friday because I still have 50 minutes until it is official!

This Easter's events were very different. I know the kids are getting older, since they boiled their own eggs this year, dried them, and dyed them all on their own. No help from Mom...hence, no pictures until it was all over. I was crushed and proud all at the same time. No Easter Egg hunt this year either. They are certainly growing up.

Sunday morning came and since we were home and not camping for the first Easter in many years, the Easter Bunny had no trouble finding us, and although times are tough for him too...he still was able to stuff a few goodies in the kids baskets. Candy production must have been low this year! The economy has hit everyone! Kristin was thrilled with a Disney Fairy Book, and Ryan loved the game that was in his basket....everyone was happy. We headed off to church to celebrate the real reason for Easter...He Is Risen!!

We had a nice quiet Easter dinner here with Robert. Ham, cream cheese potatoes, deviled eggs, and caesar salad. It was yummy...and we were all stuffed afterward! Robert brought out some great family movies and we laughed the evening away.
Kristin's rats have settled in, and Mary Mae loves to hang around on a shoulder or tucked in a pocket, or a hood. They are pretty fun, and I'm surprised at how clean they actually are. Bill has even tolerated them. Here he is with Mary Mae.

Friday, April 3, 2009

She Did It!

It was three months, and a lot of work, but Kristin finally did it!!!

Lets back up to the drive home from Tam & Eric's in GA at Christmas. Kristin was stating how she wanted a pet that was just hers for her room. She was thinking turtle, but really wanted something she could play with that would respond back to her. Our response was that we didn't care what she got (short of another Dog or Cat) and that she had to pay for whatever it was that she bought, and all the care was left to her. The big kicker though, was that she had to keep her room clean for three months before we would allow her, and she had to know the care and cost for purchase for whatever it was that she chose to get. In those three months she was allowed three "goofs" as far as her room was concerned. She only used two--and not only did she keep her room clean, but she has saved her birthday money (Yep, from October), her Christmas money, and allowance in between. The only thing she spent was for some Christmas gifts at Christmas...nothing for herself. She's our saver!! Long story short--she's spent three months researching animals, and decided on a rat. They are the cleanest of all animals, very smart, trainable, and very interactive. Kristin knows just about everything there is to know about a rat.
SO....April 1st, Kristin said...hey, my three months is up...when are we going to Eugene (the big pet store is there). I told her I wouldn't be taking them to work much because I'm having very long days when I go in, and until the new computer system is old hat, they will stay at home. We did however, have Dr Appointments in Corvallis on the Kristin looked up pet stores in the phone book, and the chain she liked in Eugene was also in Corvallis. So, she packed her purse with her stash ($101.71) and off we headed to the DR's. After their appointments (check ups--since our insurance is ending at the end of the month), we headed to the pet store. Kristin (Miss Thrifty) finds out we can save 10% if we sign up for their "prefered member" card, which is free--so she walks out saving 11.00! We agreed to go half with her on the cage, since we went halves with Ryan on the guitar. SO..after all her spending, she still had over 40.00 left...and an awesome 4 story cage! I call it the Rat Condo!

We arrived home, and Daddy helped Kristin put the Condo together. Kristin's friend Makinzie helped her set up the Condo "rat style" (Makinzie has mice--so she knew kind of what they liked!), and the girls spent an hour decorating, organizing and setting up (I can't believe I didn't get any pictures...I've been slacking there!). We told her the cage had to be set up before we would get the rats.
Our friend Robert who is living with us now, thinks we are INSANE--but he's a great sport about it all. Here he is (now clean shaven...we thought the beard looked OK...but he's sporting a nice clean shaven face) with his famous mix of Top Ramen, Tuna & the secret ingredient (OK to tell???)--I'll save the secret until we make sure it's OK to tell!! At any rate...a side of olives, and you have a complete meal! He's been great to have around...we love to hear him sing at night. Too bad we didn't have sound piped upstairs!

As for the rats, Kristin also had checked out where she wanted to purchase them. She had been to all the local pet stores, and we hit the OK Feed Store down the hill from us. They had very nice rats, and she knew this is where she wanted to go...PLUS...they were 2.99 each, and everywhere else they were 5-7.00 each. She headed to bed last night, VERY excited.
At 3AM Kristin was awake with a fever of 101. The night before, she had been up with a fever of 102.5, but she's only waking with these fevers, and is fine during the day, nothing seems to be wrong. Very strange. At any rate, she woke this morning excited, and ready to go get her rats. She had called last night, and found out when they opened, so at 8:30, we were at the feed store, purchasing their last two girl rats!!
Betty Lou & Maisey May came home in a cardboard box, and were pretty scared that they tried to run up Kristin's jacket sleeve as she was putting them in their cage!! It's been a fun afternoon, and they are the most friendly little critters I've seen. They will come to you when you open the cage, crawl in your hand, and let you haul them around. So far, the cats are only curious, and Ashley let Kristin hold Betty Lou on the couch, and she didn't seem to care she was there. We will use lots of caution there though!
Here they are....Betty Lou is the grey hooded white rat, and Maisy May is the butterscotch hooded white rat. They both snuggle like this to go to sleep...way cute. I'm sure you'll see more pictures soon. I guess I need to add them to the gallery of pets on the blog now, huh?!!