Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Day 2-6-14

Snow!!!  In 14 days (I'm pretending it's tomorrow already), we head off on our adventure.  We will wonder how we could have ever been cold!!  As I write, it is 70 degrees at 8am in Uganda--the high is 86 for tomorrow(Today--its already Uganda's tomorrow!)  

However, it's still today in Sweet Home! We woke to 19 degrees.  We hit a high of 23, and have 10 inches of snow.  I can hear the snow/sleet hitting the skylights in the kitchen and I wonder if the freezing rain/slush I hear is going to make things worse.  So far no plow through here, although ODOT in Sweet Home takes care of the pass from this end..and I'm sure Linn County is busy with main roads.  I am not holding high hopes of getting out of here tomorrow.  Today started off a bit snowy, but by the time I was out of Sweet Home, the roads were clear, and until I hit I-5 in Brownsville, there wasn't even any snow or rain.  By the time I got to work it was starting to stick.  By 11 AM they were requiring chains on I-5 just 7 miles before our exit.  I decided it was time to head home. The roads were bad, but by Michigan standards, they were pretty good!!  I was glad to get off the freeway and hit the 25 miles of road to was snow covered, but the suburban and 4wd did was actually a pretty drive home.  I got him just under an hour and half....took care of our snow bound chickens, and enjoyed some time before Bill got home.  Once Bill was home, we headed to the neighbors to help Kristin feed...OK, she fed, we played in the snow and with the animals.  It was beautiful!!  You can view all the pictures here...and a warning...lots of snow and horse pictures...view at your own discretion!!  Running horses in the snow are hard not to photograph!!

Praying for the additional 3-5 inches to not come tonight...I don't particularly want to drive in it again tomorrow!  Thanks for all those prayers for me while traveling today...I appreciate them!

Blessings until something strikes the urge in me to blog.....



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