Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I must admit, 18 months ago when I said "I'd love to go to Uganda" I never realized it would come so quickly!!  It seemed so far away, and I often wondered if I would meet my fundraising goal.  I have met that goal, had all my shots, and been blessed beyond my wildest dreams!! 

Five years ago, if you'd have said "Lets go to a country that we have to get shots to enter, take medicine while we are there, can't drink the water, get it in your eyes, or ears, and need to worry about getting little bugs that lay their eggs in your toes..." I would have said NO WAY! 

HOWEVER, the excitement I felt while our pastor was in Uganda last time ( I was blog posting while he was there for our church to follow along), and the tugging God put on my heart was all it took!  Now I am FIFTEEN DAYS away from departure.  I have been blessed with funds for the cost of my trip, blessed with funds for my shots, a suitcase for travel, and the list goes on!!  I have started filling the suitcase..I've had a laundry basket filled with "stuff" for weeks, and as I think of things I drop it in, and check one more thing off the list. I am now wondering, Do I have enough, do I have too much, have I forgotten something?  My mind is a flurry of activity (yes, more than usual).  It's hard not to get sucked into daydreaming of my trip and sharing the excitement with the group I am blessed to be going with.   

Aside from the excitement is the nerves.  First, I worry about home...will Bill eat, will he suffer with migraines worse than his everyday migraines, will they keep up on things around here, will everyone be alive when I return?  There are two teenagers in our home!!  I ask for your prayers not only for our team going, but for all our families here at home.  My kids are bigger, but one of our gals has little ones at home, and I know it will be tougher for her!!  The other worry is traveling to foreign countries...airports and customs....language barriers...traditions and cultural name it, I've thought about it.(AND if I haven't, don't give me more to think about)!  I know God is faithful and will take care of this.  I pray for his peace through this...and for the adventure of a lifetime.

I will post our schedule soon so you can follow along.  Please continue to pray for us as we pack, complete shots, and wrap up things at home!  

Found this video on a friends page, she's headed to Uganda as well...check this out...worth the watch, and it's where we are headed.  Hope to meet Peter!

Click to Follow the Link 

Blessings until next time!

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