Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Ryan!

We woke this morning to wind & rain, not a very pretty day for a birthday, but what a day to celebrate! Ryan is TWELVE today! He woke, and I asked him if he felt any different, he said no, but was anxious to open the gifts he saw on my dresser! I told him NO he had to wait until his party tomorrow. He already had one gift early, and that's it!

Kristin woke shortly after, and ran downstairs singing:
"Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

You smell like a monkey

And you look like one too..."

So, the good is, she remembered his birthday, and they were both laughing. She watched something for her TV time that he enjoyed too...I know it seems like some little things, but between them, this was special.

We read the family web site, and saw that Aunt Cecelia is coming home. We're a happy & thankful bunch this morning! Ryan said "Great Birthday gift, even if I can see her!"

Check out the sunrise pictures---they are from Wednesday morning. These pictures were a sign to me that Cec would be OK. She loved the sunrises when she was here, and didn't miss one--so...for you Cec--enjoy! Welcome Home, We Love You!

Along with the sunrise pictures--I got caught on film....I've been sick, and just getting over a cold...I took a quick "cat nap" and you guessed it, they joined me. The first picture woke me, so I'm just in a sleepy daze here. Not the most glorious picture...but fun just the same!

We have a full day planned today--We are heading to meet Jennifer to pick up Jason & Brooklyn for the day & night, (they are picking up their new trailer, and get it loaded and organized before they head down to see us tomorrow), the kids are going to lunch and then roller skating with Grandma Alice, we will have a nice dinner together tonight, and a party for both kids tomorrow with our Oregon Family.

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