Saturday, August 2, 2008

Oregon Jamboree--Day 2, August 2nd

Kristin, Ray & Ryan

Saturday started earlier than wanted, due to our late night last night. I woke at 8:30 and was surprised to find Bill still sleeping. We were both up at 6:00 when the dogs woke us to go outside--and he usually can't go back to sleep. I got up and started coffee--and found that Kristin & Ryan were still zonked out. I was about to sneak out of the house & go stand in line to get into Jamboree, when Ryan came down, dressed and ready to go. He slept until 9:15---Bill until 9:30, and Kristin didn't wake until we were on our way out the door at 9:45.

Ryan & I headed in to town, stood in line with Ray, Jim & Robin, then I came home after about an hour, to get some things done, pack us a lunch, and get a nap in. Ryan wanted to stay to see Confederate Railroad and Rissi Palmer. I chose a nap and some recuperation!!

Around 3, Kristin & I went to pick up Pat at Waterloo campground, and headed into Jamboree to see Kelli Pickler. She was fun, but we really enjoyed Joe Nichols--followed by Randy Owen ( who WAS Alabama)--these guys put on a great show....and we were all moving until it was done!!

Ray, Jim, Robin & Pat

Day Three is tomorrow. Looking forward to Neil McCoy & Trace Adkins!!

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