Saturday, August 30, 2008

Kids & Rooms

Tonight we had the pleasure of watching the O'Hara kids. Sean & Tracey needed a night out, and we were happy to have the kids. The arrived around 6:30, and played out side. Bill & the kids came in shortly before we were ready to eat supper, and watched the end of Sound of Music on TV. For those of you that know Bill....know this is not his favorite movie. However, he had two snuggly girls with him, and he endured the singing for the snuggling!!

Declan asked if he could pick blackberries since the bushes were so loaded (My picker has been in MI for the last two weeks). In a matter of 20 minutes the kids had about 2 quarts of blackberries. Delcan asked if we could do something with them...I suggested a cobler dessert, and we chatted about it, and then remembered that we couldn't because of Declan's gluten intolerance. He came up with a great idea of blackberry we put them together...they were great!!

The kids played Cribbage with Bill while Tanya helped me sweep the floors...she thought our dust mop was pretty cool, and had fun chasing the dog hair from our shedding three dogs. Thanks Tanya!!

Now, I can share with you the rest of Kristin's room. We didn't want her seeing the blog while she was in MI and spoiling the surprise. What she does not know, and we have not shared is that we pulled up her 1979 orange, brown & tan carpet from her room. She had the only room left (besides the basement) with the original carpeting. We put down wood flooring in her room, besides all the other things we did in there...and boy does it look great. Ryan's room turned out great too...although he still has the same carpet. We just put his new closet organizer in,and sorted all the "stuff" in his room. It looks so much better.

The kids & my folks fly in tomorrow. We are SO ready to have the kids home. They were sharing great stories from the last few days...they had the "royal fireman tour" at the Lansing Twp Fire Dept today...both kids were SO excited. Thanks Todd & Erika for the "special" trip around the block, and the special tour and exploration of equipment. Both kids were excited beyond words.

Stay tuned for fun this next 10 days with Grandma & Papa Eyie....

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