Friday, October 19, 2007

Praise & Picture Post

This post is nothing more than to share the joy that we feel as a family tonight. Our good friends Sean & Tracey are in Ukraine and have adopted two beautiful girls. Their names are Alyona (13) and Tanya (9). They are biological sisters and spent 2 weeks at Christmas with the O'Hara's back in 2005. They then have journeyed this far to make these girls part of their family.

If you have followed their blog, you know that they have been in Ukraine since September 12th. They also have three children here at home that are missing them. (If you're interested in their story...their link to their blog is under our family description.)

What is not in their blog is how eloquently they are handling the toughest of situations, and with the faith that some of us don't have. They have trusted God when things seemed horrid, and yet God prevailed! Their faith on this journey has strengthened all of us in one way or another. Sean & Tracey, we have the utmost respect and love for you!

Today, Sean & Tracey brought the girls home to their temporary home and apartment in Odessa. I can't even begin to tell you the excitement that has been in our home for the last 24 hours. It began with the news that some tough issues had been resolved. The next good news was they were going to get the girls from the orphanage permanently!! They picked them up today, and had supper together as a family. We were graced with a skype call and video cam from Ukraine this AM (their evening) and what a joy it was to see and hear the girls! We can't wait to see the pictures from this weekend. While they have clothes to buy the girls, and things to take care of this weekend...we are hoping they have a fun weekend together! We are praying that their passports show up Monday and that they can finish in Odessa, and get to Kyiv to finish medical exams and other things at the Embassy.

Enjoy the photos...and say a prayer that they come home SOON, and safely. Continue the prayers after they arrive home so that they can meld together as a family and overcome anything that they may have to endure as they blend two cultures, two languages and lots of love together.

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