Saturday, May 2, 2009

Civil War Re-Enactment Field Trip May 1st, 2009

Our favorite horse & rider....Jeffy & Ken Morris...10th NY Cavalry

The North.... NW Civil War Council

Ryan gets bandaged by Miranda....this is funny, since they always seem to get picked together when we are on field trips. Last spring he was the Indian boy, and she was the Indian maiden!!

We headed out yesterday morning by 8AM to see the Civil War Re-enactment. It was a day for school groups only, and very educational. We were there at 9am, and managed to get in the first rotation, which we missed last year!

There are 25 minute presentations, and you can visit stations dealing with medical, artillery, cavalry, snipers, sharp shooters, music, dress, infantry, and many other stations. The problem is, there are more stations than there are 25 minute blocks!! It was great, because we caught some of the ones we missed last year, and hit some of the favorites. Ryan of course, loves the infantry because he gets a rifle, and gets to line up, take commands, and gets a real kick (even though he tried to look cool like any other 13 year old there).
We enjoyed the stations, and the re-enactment. There were only 25-30 guys on the field, but they put on a great show. The kids loved it--and I have a great respect for them as they are all volunteers, and Friday is for nothing more than the kids. Amazing.....

The weather was beautiful again this year, and the rain held off until we were on our way home....Praise God! You can check out our homeschool link for some other pictures too! I will hopefully be posting a video if a parent can get it to me this week.

This just struck me funny....she invited us to 1863, and then answered her cell phone...hahahaha!! In her defense, she was lining up people for the weekend. She is one of the wonderful folks who come out Thursday night and set up for the school event. These folks on Friday morning take vacation days to present to us. The weekend enactors arrive on Friday night, filling this park with 400+ re-enactors. What a gift they give to us!!


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