Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day Three~~The Big Top the color "circus-y" enough??!! (And yes, no wise cracks about the clowns....)

Today we headed out to the church property, after Bill spent some time working on the weed wacker. It was working fine, and then just died out on me a week ago. It is up & running, and doing great, so we headed to Lebanon.

Upon arriving....Tom, Tommy & Shawn were working hard at pounding in 1" rebar stakes for the tent that was just purchased for the church. A church brother Jeremy spent some time making some great stakes & tent poles for us...way to go Jeremy!

Tom is truckin.....

Up goes the center pole....

Tightening and taking safety measures....

It took some heavy duty man power, and lots of time, but after about 3 hours, the guys were ready to put up the center pole (Which, according to Pastor Tom is 19'6"). It took some umph, a hand truck and some prayer to get that pole up there! Some tweeking of the poles, some safety caps, and safety measures, and it was lunch time!

Bringing in the stage area, and the trough.....

Bill spent a few hours weed wacking around the church property, and will head over tomorrow to finish up. It was a productive day, and after some fellowship, some moving of the baptismal trough, it was time to take a break and head home. It's looking great!
The hillbilly way to reach the top....

If you don't have a church home...this is the place...join us on Sunday, June 7th at 10:30 for the Word, some BBQ and some great fellowship. We won't be there, but hey...any other Sunday you can catch us there!

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