Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Times~Sad Times

Yesterday, the cutest baby hummingbird landed on our butterfly feeder. We've yet to see butterflies on it, but have had a few hummers check it out, but they don't like the way it is set up. Needless to say, this little guy loved it. He seemed as though he was having a bit of trouble flying, so I went out to check on him. He was puffed up like a big puff ball, and he didn't move much when I spoke to him. He (or she!) allowed me near, and when he fell, he allowed me to pick him up and place him on the railing. All day it flitted from the railing to the lilac bush, and then to the butterfly feeder. Kristin spent a good part of the day out there with him, watching, talking and by the afternoon, getting close enough to touch him. He was not able to hover like most hummingbirds, and spent a lot of time "perched". He seemed to be flying better by evening, able to go a bit farther, and at nightfall, he disappeared.

Cream Puff in the lilacs
Of course we worried all evening about him, and at first light, we (OK, I )checked to see if he was there, and didn't see him. I of course feared the worst, and decided it was probably best. Around 9ish, he showed up, and Kristin went out to greet him, he chirped at her, and hopped right on her finger! They played back & forth through the morning, and Kristin did her school on the porch, so she could be with him. When we would go in, he would sit on the railing and "Chirp" until someone came out. I was concerned, as he wasn't afraid of anything, so we kept a close eye on him. Unfortunately, by late afternoon, Kristin couldnt' find him, and she called, and called, and he didn't come. It wasn't too long after that Ryan called me over...he found "Cream Puff" (as Kristin named him) and he had been caught by probably our cat. I felt terrible, and Ryan & I decided to take care of the bird and not tell her, but it broke my heart they way she was on her swing calling for the bird. We finally told her. We all felt bad, as we wondered if we'd just left it alone, would it have been afraid enough to flee, or was it just never meant to be. Kristin & Cream Puff
In the midst of all the sadness, Ryan said prayers at supper tonight "Lord, thank you for this day, and please help Kristin not feel so sad about "corn puff or cocoa puff"--" we all burst out laughing. Thanks Ryan for your sympathy, and your great sense of humor.

Just our pretty lilac bush
Speaking of sense of is the culprit we believe to have done in the bird...all snuggled up in her basket...Ashley. Can you find her head or her tail?

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