Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day Three in Canada--July 9, 2008

We all slept in until around was a great morning. Papa & Nana fixed us a wonderful full breakfast of waffles, eggs & bacon. We enjoyed the morning around the table, and as we were finishing up, Papa gave all the kids an envelope--each kid (all seven) received a ten, a five, two toonies, and one loonie, a total of 20.00. He told them to have fun. Great gift Papa...thanks!

After breakfast--the kids played on the stairs with a box, and did some luge...they had a great time and the giggling and laughing was great!

The kids had a great day--the kids went with Papa to the Farmers Market--the kids went to the park, went fishing and golfing...all in the back yard!!

I asked Lynn yesterday about making Cabbage rolls while we were here....and she did them today. They were wonderful, and there are enough leftovers to have them

We sat around tonight, visiting, playing cards, and enjoying being together. Hoping for better weather tomorrow...showers on & off all day with thunderstorms.

To visit my Co-Captain's Log--visit O'Hara's Blog. Stay tuned for more fun!

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