Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day 2008

Valentine's Day 2008

Bill never ceases to amaze me, or keep me on my toes. We woke for work as usual, and as we sat down to have coffee and do our devotion, out comes this box. Now, those of you who know Bill, know that this is not normal for him. The last "box" I received was for our 15th wedding anniversary, and was the beautiful wedding set and heart diamond I'd longed for. Again, all on his own. So, even
though he's not a flowers type of guy....he can surprise me with a box every 5 years, and I'll be happy. Just having him as my best friend for all these years has been gift enough (although, Bill, you don't need to stop!).

In the box this year--was a FROG! This was really a gift of love, because you know my like of frogs and his laughter at how I can like them! Anyway...check it's a great frog--holding a heart shaped lily pad. How appropriate.

Thanks Bill....I Love You!

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