Bill arrived home, and after some news, said, "I have a date, we'll discuss this later" and they left on their date.

They went to Shari's for supper, and then the treat of all treats...Daddy took her to "Dollar Tree"--her favorite store (aside from Goodwill). Both stores are not Daddy's favorite, so it was with great Love that he took her there, and let her spend an entire $8.00!! They did bring home treats to share (along with a cup that says "Bon Bon's the ultimate chocolate"--the ultimate Joke between Mommy & Daddy--as he thinks I sit & have Bon Bon's all day!), and Kristin was just beaming as she came in the door. She came up to me and whispered "He even took me to the dollar tree!!".
Now, those of you that know Bill are saying "Hmmmmm--Bill?" Those of you that know Kristin are saying "Hmmmmm...how did Bill endure all that talking!". Let me just say, we had the happiest little girl tonight. She cleaned up her stuff after watching a little TV, put on her pajamas, brushed her teeth, told us goodnight, came in and told Daddy how much fun she had and thanked him for their date...and went to bed, all on her own!! WOW. Bill needs to take her to dinner more often!!
We've been working on a devotional by Dobson. Last week focused on a Dad's role. It discussed many things, but most importantly, the relationship between father & daughter. It spoke to Bill so much, that he took this to heart and implemented it. SO, for all you fathers with daughters: From James Dobson's Night Light For Parents:
Fathers & Daugthers:
If you communicate that she's beautiful and feminine, she'll be inclined to see herself that way. If you blend love and discipline in a way that conveys strength, your daughter will be more comfortable with a give-and-take marriage characterized by mutual respect. But if you reject your daughter, she's likely to spend her life trying to find a man who can meet the needs you never fulfilled in her heart.
One wonderful way to build up your daughter is to take her on regular "dates" which can begin even in the preschool years and extend to the teens. Let her help plan these outings. Then, open doors for her, help her with her chair, and listen attentively when she speaks. Treat her with the same consideration and respect that scripture prescribes for your wife (1 Peter 3:7). You'll create a feeling of self worth and begin to establish her standards for a husband if she chooses to marry. We can't imagine a better wedding present for a father to give his precious daughter.
--How would you describe your relationship with your daughter?
--What is your daughters current attitude toward men?
--What can you do better to prepare your daughter for a successful marriage?
Dad's Prayer--Heavenly Father, I want my daughter(s) to know how much I love and value her. Let my every word and deed encourage her today and help shape her into the woman you want her to be. Amen.