Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Yesterday we woke to this.....
It is Spring, isn't it? So much for March, out like a lamb! My flowers are totally freaking out! The ride out of town was a bit slow, but this Michigan gal did just fine. By the time I hit below 500 was just LOTS of rain! Now, here's a picture from today (March 31st)....what a difference! 55 and sunny today.

Today was a special day for Kristin. It was the awards dinner for a Logo contest she entered some time ago. It is for ChristWalk Center. Although Kristin didn't win, Miranda, the daughter of my teaching partner Dana did win! We were so excited for her! The prize was 100.00...a very cool prize for a talented young lady!

Here are some pictures of last night's event...and our two homeschoolers! Way to go girls!

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