Sunday, March 28, 2010

Last Days in MI & Home to Oregon

Friday was a leisurely day. We had breakfast and Bill worked on his Dad's computer. We did some laundry, and then had a short nap...the first in over a week!

Off to Dixboro (Think that was the name of the town) to a fun old store, that took us 30-45 minutes to go through. It was tons of fun, and thankfully, there was no room in the suitcase, or I might have brought a few things home!We picked up pizza and headed back to Mom & Dad R's--where Bill's sisters, brother-in-law and nephew came to hang out, and spend some time together. Unfortunately, my brother had other commitments, and being we were out of town so much...we didn't get another opportunity to get together, but I am very thankful for the time we did have and that he was able to bring the kids over with him.
Some pictures we took while we were all together. Jeff had already gone home, or we might have done some entire family shots. Oh well!
Saturday started early, both Bill & I awake at 6:30--probably anxious to go home. We were both missing the kids, and missing home. I must admit, being out in Ypsilanti, where it was nice & quiet made a big difference in our stay there this time. Much more relaxing! We headed to the airport at 9am, and were through security and to our gate by 9:50--lots of time to hang out before the flight.

We had a beautiful day for flying, and I watched as we flew out of Detroit, and over Michigan, over lake Michigan, and heading west, that the areas of people grew more thinned, and as we headed over the Rockies, I was truly a Western gal now....having really missed the beauty that God surrounds us with here in Oregon each day...mountains, green all year, trees, streams, rivers, lakes, and fresh air....I'd forgotten how much I appreciated that!! Thank You Lord for fresh air!

We landed in Portland 20 minutes early and as we headed to baggage, I heard "Mommy"---even out of context, you never miss the sound of your own Kristin was running towards us to greet us. Nate & Katie had brought the kids in to meet us--what a treat!

We got our luggage and headed out to a clean car--WOW NATE, thanks--tires armoralled, rims sparkly shiny, outside washed, inside swept--inside & out looked awesome. What a treat. Thanks again can have the Suburban anytime!

We decided to go to IKEA--as we had never been there. I figured 30 minutes or so? Ha! It was almost 3 hours before we came out of there! We had a blast, and then went to get some dinner. We headed south around 9pm, and got back to Brownsville, dropped off Nate, Katie & Audrie, then headed home...another 25 minutes. We had the truck unloaded, and were closing down the house to head to bed at midnight...(AKA 3am to us who's body clocks were still on Eastern Time!). It felt so good to be home.

We made it up and out for church this felt so good to be back in the swing of things. Home afterward to get some laundry going, and of course a nap! Feeling a bit under the weather....sore throat and earache, but praying I will feel better for school in the morning. Thank You Lord for a safe trip, great visits, wonderful friends who stayed with our kids, and most of all...thanks, for where we live!

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