Monday, September 28, 2009

First Day of School

Here's two of my guys....on their first day of school!! Too bad Charlie wasn't here this morning..he could have gotten in on this picture too!! Notice the twin shirts...way funny! Good thing they are at different schools!

All went well for everyone today at school. Both guys have lots of homework already. Bill has a 10-10 day tomorrow. Keep him in prayer!

He wanted me to hang his drawing on the fridge tonight...I told him that's his Mom's I'm sure you'll be getting a refrigerator hanging Margaret!

I start a new job tomorrow...keep me in prayer also please!

Kristin still in Ohio...feeling a bit homesick tonight. Think it might have had to do with the big thunderstorm they had last night, and then what she thought might be a black widow in the playhouse. Thanks Ryan for getting her wigged out about Black Widows! Praying that she feels better...and gets a fun day with Papa tomorrow.

Ryan is doing dry land events/swimming 3 1/2 hours each day, working on school, and helping with rentals when he can. Everyone is BUSY!

Stay tuned.....we're busier than ever...and it's about to get more so!!

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