Friday, September 25, 2009

Busy Week--Big News

It's been BUSY!! No pictures to post, but news to share--

Bill has all his classes for the fall term and will be attending Chemeketa College in Salem Oregon and as of this morning, things still weren't worked out. Thankfully, God is in control, and we just hang on for the ride. Bill finally dropped the math class that wasn't working out (we tried to make it work out--but God said--no Bill...this is what you need to do..wait til next term and take what you really need...), and he was able to add a communications class. He has 12 credits, and has a full boat on Tuesdays, going 10am to 10pm, and back again at 7:30 on Wednesdays--but Monday & Thursdays are light...and Friday's are off!! Yahoo! Our new motto:

I was offered (and accepted) a position with Oregon Community Credit Union in their collections department. It is 20-24 hours per week, with no Monday's, so I can still teach home school science & history, as well as continue my work with Joe (the dentist).

With Bill's schedule, and my schedule, we should be able to continue home schooling, and the kids are committed to do their part while Bill returns to school, and I hold down a third job to make the ends meet in the unemployment, which actually now is trade act payment, since Bill gets paid while he attends school. We will keep you posted on how things go.

In the midst of all this...we are trying to beat the rain with painting the final rental that we have to finish. Once it's done, the outside work is pretty well squared away, with the exception of 4 new doors, and some overhangs (which will be a challenge). Once those are done, we move inside for the 1951 retro renovation!!

Pray for our sanity the next few weeks as both Bill & I meld into things we haven't done in or work in a collection department.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow....your lives just got busier! I am so happy for you both, God knows what He is doing :-) By the blog is updated!