Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday full of WOOD!

We woke to a beautiful sunny morning, and by 9 it was in the 60's. A perfect morning for cutting wood!! Perfect or not, that was what was on the agenda for the Richards' household today. If you haven't seen the pile we had to sure to check the previous blog update!

We started around 8:30 after coffee, and gathered the tools of the trade, and headed toward the barn. We cut until about 10, and Mr Rex, our neighbor came up to help. The guys got a lot of work done, with Rex pulling, and Bill cutting. Ryan & I loaded and stacked wood. Mr Rex outworked us all!! It was great to have him help.

By lunchtime we had a pretty good pile in the woodshed, and Mr Rex went home to shower, and watch the Ducks game. Bill gave Ryan some splitting lessons, and Ryan did a great job hitting the log every time. It wasn't long before he was hitting the log with that solid "THUD". Unfortunately, it was one tough piece of wood...and Ryan was adament that he was going to get it. He worked for over 20 minutes until he gave the mull to Bill. It took Bill four swings, before he got it. Great job guys!

After lunch and a quick nap....we hit it again for another few hours of work. This time it was Bill & I. We had the kids make supper, and we worked until after 7pm. JUst in time for supper & shower. We accomplished a lot today, and have logs ready for splitting. There is no way I'm going to have Bill split all that by hand, especially with all that is going on with the we hope to either rent, borrow or purchase a splitter here soon.

From this........

To This......

Stay tuned for more updates!

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