Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kristin's 13th Birthday & A Big Pile of Wood

Kristin turned THIRTEEN yesterday. It's so hard to believe that we have a teenage girl in the house. With Ryan, it really didn't hit us...but with a surely hit home. I really don't recall my thirteenth birthday, but I do remember being a young teenager. She is so different from me. I was pretty boy focused, she is pretty centered on her friends, her books, and her walk with God. We are so proud of the young lady she is becoming. While there are still the typical things that go on in any teenagers life....we are very blessed as parents...and are very thankful that they are on a straight path.
Kristin had three longtime friends over last night. She invited Sydney, who we know from home school group, and Alexis & Tanya who have been around for a long time. These young ladies have been playing together through babies, barbies, and now it was pure "teenage girl" stuff. Music, nails, and giggling was the theme, and they had such a great time with each other. They started out with supper, and making mini pizzas. Kristin opened her gifts, and was so pleased with the gifts she got. She really felt her friends picked gifts that really suited her, and she said that is the most special gift...friends that really care. They danced, they did facials, they painted fingers and toes, and just had a great time being together. Bill & I headed to bed around 11, and we heard a few giggles after that, but they did great being quiet, and three staircases away was a good distance.

After breakfast, Bill, Ryan headed right out and got busy on the wood. Being the girls didn't get up until after 10, I stayed in and made breakfast for them, and then headed out. Ryan & Bill were cutting & splitting, so I hooked up the trailer on the tractor, and started loading wood. Being we got such a late start, I had to unload the cord that was left in the woodshed, so we could stack the new stuff behind it. I'm sure I pulled wood off the bottom back row that had to be 10 years old!!

We worked until almost 5, and then came in to get cleaned up. We are heading out to celebrate Kristin's birthday as a family. It's her pick for where to go. Not sure where yet, but we're off for a family fun adventure!!

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