Monday, February 15, 2010

New Beginnings

First bloom on the plum tree...

I felt it a few days ago, in the evening as I arrived home just after dark. I had been coming home in the light, but worked a bit later this particular day, and as I got out of the car, with the stars shining, I heard it...Spring....Crickets, frogs and more frogs. You could smell it in the air--that fresh Oregon air....what Bill & I still call "camping air"---you know that smell if you live in the city, and travel to a place that is free of
pollution. It was a glimmer of hope to my soul.

I walked through the yard today, seeing how much had opened the last few warm days...ahh....refreshing!
New Rose Bush shoots....
How I love Spring, longer
days, and the sounds of spring & summer. Each spring seems a new beginning to me. Lilac leaves....

It was a beautiful day today. I'm thinking we hit more than 60, but never really checked.
Ryan cut the grass that was growing out of control, and we got the yard cleaned up, and the suburban washed. We were blessed to have Alyona come to help with a few projects, and she & Kristin got to spend some time together. It was nice to have her around, as we've missed how funny she can be. What a gift the sun was today....Thank You Lord!

We have been very just a few pictures to bring you up to date..
At Home School Group...we've been working hard on Science....pig science that is! You can follow this link to our Home School Page and catch up there...just to not be redundant for those of you that follow both blogs! Last weekend (Feb 6th)--we got out for the day with Nate, Katie & Auggie (AKA Audrie), and hit the home show in Albany. Kristin & Auggie did some cool tiles, and Nate just liked sitting on the Home Depot buckets. Afterward we went to Red Robin for lunch, and then headed separate we had some errands to run.
On Saturday, Feb 13th, while Ryan went to a friends, we headed to the coast...we enjoyed our day with only one kid, and she soaked it up as well! It was drizzly, so no pictures, other than the HAND Kristin got to sit in at an antique shop we stopped at.

What I don't have pictures of, are work & school....I've been having a blast at work this last two weeks as my boss has put me on some special projects, just working to help others catch up. Really a team effort, but I've gotten to do some skip tracing....what a kick for me! Bill has just finished mid terms, and he is halfway through the semester. Looks like we are heading to Michigan over spring break. Just the two of Not warm & sunny, but anxious to see Bill's folks new place, and see my grandparents. My folks will still be in Florida, but this is one of the few breaks Bill will have.

Tomorrow is another busy day....but fun--as we're going to dinner, and Kristin is going to get to ride...should be fun! I will post pictures soon.

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