Today was SUPER hot. The thermometer on the back porch read 103 in the shade! Official temps were 108 here in town. At 12:30, it was still 80 degrees on the back porch with the misters on. We did put the air on in the trailer, but it did cool down enough for sleeping...providing we run the fans at full tilt!
Kittens crack me up! They have finally become quite comfortable....and were playing Bathtub Raquetball this morning. It was hilarious to watch them run from side to side, one end to the other wacking a ball around. They did this for more than 15 minutes this morning!
Bill took off for the parsonage we are working on.... it was 85 in there when he started this morning at 8am. Makes for a long day when you're sweating before you start! I headed off in another direction with the kids...dropping Ryan off to put together a table for Grandma Alice, and do some small things over there for her...and dropping Kristin off at the library for their last week of summer program. They may have awards next week...not sure.
After Ryan was finished...he headed to the barber, and we picked up Kristin, got some lunch, and left Ryan at the library for his program (they are in seperate groups due to age)....and then back to the parsonage.

After lunch....Bill & Kristin were rolling from one end of the living room to the other...it was so fun. It was then that I realized that Bill was SUPER happy....and had been all morning. I asked him if he was headache free...he was!! Praise God!!
We worked until around 2:30...picked Ryan up from his program and headed home for showers, and to LAY...since it was 104, and way too hot to do anything. We did sleep for about an hour & a half...and poor Bill woke with a horrid migraine. So, thankful for a headache free morning for him....just wish we knew what it was that gave him the headaches, and wish they would go away.

We headed out to dinner again, it's just too hot to cook, or even try to eat in the house....so we hit Skyline in town...and everyone had a nice 'cool' dinnner!! After getting home....Robert headed to bed really early as he has to go to work at 6am (getting up at 4...) to beat the heat. So, trying to be quiet...we head to our room, to get some computer work done, and the kids came in to play with the kittens. They have been so much fun to watch play. I am SO thankful that we got two. They are getting used to seeing the dogs...and even watched the dogs tonight....with a "magic" line between them. Bandit seems to think that if he's on the tile in the bathroom, that the dogs can't get them! Chelsea is dying to get aquainted...and they layed 2 ft apart tonight, just looking at each other. While that was going on...we couldn't find Zorro. He had ventured down the hall (PAST the two dogs in the hall) and found Kristin's room. He hung out in there until Kristin brought him back to our room saying he was being pesty, and not letting her sleep!! We are gaining headway with the dogs & kittens...plus the fact that they are now willing to leave the confines of the bathroom!
Finally heading to bed...it;s now 80 in the house, and 75 at 1am. Hoping for a good snooze, and a cooler day tomorrow! 90 is going to seem like cold!!
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