Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Measure Twice, Cut Once

This is a rule we live most of you know our front door story of many years ago. So...found caught without a tape measure today, we did the next best thing. We used bailing twine. Let me back up a bit. Most of you know that we are working for Alice this summer...and that she has rental work to be done. Let me just say, I'm not sure we are making enough. The first rental we have to do has been lived in since 1951, and this guy loved it. He did not want updates or paint when Alice offered, and only had repairs done when absolutely needed. This place is so 1950 its not funny. The medicine cabinet with the flouresant lights....that go "tink, tink, tinktink" when you turn them on, and a MURPHY BED in the kitchen. Red counters, even the cherry curtains in the windows. Way too funny. Needless to say, this place is in need of an overhaul...hence, our job! Thankfully, it's old smelling, but not horrid as I expected...phew!

We arrived this morning after going over the "stuff to do" with Alice yesterday, and wanted to make a supplies list, as we were heading to Home Depot, back to my story. We needed to buy an exterior door for this we needed the measurements. No tape, no worries, we had twine. We marked the string for the width, and cut off the excess for the length. Off to Home Depot we went...looking for a 44" x 80"door. Yes, that's pretty wide...and as the guy said at Home Depot...."wheel chair races through there??" We were perplexed at the size of the door, and decided that we'd better check the rough opening, as we only measured the door. So back we went. 36" with the tape...hmmmmmm exactly what is left over from 80 inches when you take away 44".....oh we laughed. Our twine worked perfect, IF you use the right end of it. SO--the opportunities this opened up for us....a 36" standard door vs a 44" special order. What a great laugh. Must be a thing with us and front doors!

And yes Bill...I love you...more than ever, because you make me laugh.

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