Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter & Beyond's almost Friday and I've not posted Easter events! I say "almost" Friday because I still have 50 minutes until it is official!

This Easter's events were very different. I know the kids are getting older, since they boiled their own eggs this year, dried them, and dyed them all on their own. No help from Mom...hence, no pictures until it was all over. I was crushed and proud all at the same time. No Easter Egg hunt this year either. They are certainly growing up.

Sunday morning came and since we were home and not camping for the first Easter in many years, the Easter Bunny had no trouble finding us, and although times are tough for him too...he still was able to stuff a few goodies in the kids baskets. Candy production must have been low this year! The economy has hit everyone! Kristin was thrilled with a Disney Fairy Book, and Ryan loved the game that was in his basket....everyone was happy. We headed off to church to celebrate the real reason for Easter...He Is Risen!!

We had a nice quiet Easter dinner here with Robert. Ham, cream cheese potatoes, deviled eggs, and caesar salad. It was yummy...and we were all stuffed afterward! Robert brought out some great family movies and we laughed the evening away.
Kristin's rats have settled in, and Mary Mae loves to hang around on a shoulder or tucked in a pocket, or a hood. They are pretty fun, and I'm surprised at how clean they actually are. Bill has even tolerated them. Here he is with Mary Mae.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We missed camping this year! Maybe we can go again next Easter! Missed you guys!