I picked up Ryan from the O'Hara's at 10:30, and got him to his drop off point in town at 11:00. He worked the OSU Beaver Game concession stand again. So, we were short one wood guy today.
Bill hit the pile around 10, I joined at 11:00 and Rex (our great neighbor) joined us around 11:30. Bill got all the big logs cut up, and the three of us (trust me, it took all three of us) to get the logs on the splitter. They were HUGE, but that 34 ton splitter that Rex's brother-in-law loaned us sure was a life saver. It split stuff that the old 20 ton splitter would have bogged down and stopped. It was incredible!! Thanks again Ray...we appreciate your willingness to help and to loan us your toys! Thanks Rex for all your help--we learned lots from you!
Rex, Bill & I worked until around 2:30 when we got the BIG logs moved & split. We sent Rex home to watch his game, as we were all beat. Bill & I pushed on for another 2 hours, and finished cutting & splitting the last three or four logs, and splitting those. We were dead tired when we finished, and had to hook up the splitter to the truck, and clean up. We'd have liked nothing more than to crawl into the shower, and bed.
It took us another 30 minutes to clean up and get the splitter in the garage. We were scared someone might take it if we left it out. Finally, we finished, and hit the shower. Plans were to lay down for an hour before supper--but my muscles were so fatigued, I couldn't relax enough to sleep. I took some valarian root, and went to make supper. Five girls and Bill & I enjoyed a simple supper of pancakes and bacon.
The pile 3 weeks ago...
The pile after the work crew of the last few days...Bill's little truck has been awesome for bring up wood
OK Bill--I'll say it "I Love Your Little Truck"!!
The girls had a great time today. Being that Bill & I were down in the field all day, the girls had the whole livingroom and stereo to themselves....lots of dancing, singing and role playing. The did play out for awhile, and although it was sunny, it was cool (a perfect wood cutting day!), so they played in, then out, then in again. Regardless...they had a great time.
Tracey is not feeling well...dizzy spells, and upset tummy...say a prayer for her that she feels better. I told her I'd keep the girls another night, and let her rest.
Ryan finally got home around 10, and all is quiet in the house. He too is exhausted....I think Bill & I have him beat though!
Stay tuned for more events...
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