"I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date..
No time to say hello, good-bye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"
Boy, did I feel like the White Rabbit today!! I got up as usual with Bill at 5:45 and instead of my normal morning routine it started with getting together a gift basket of prizes for a bunch of little girls. After that task, I baked 2 dozen cupcakes, 6 dozen snickerdoodles (which Kristin finished rolling & baking for me--she by the way, says Grandma's secret for the snickerdoodles is that she rolls them in a mug of cinnamon & sugar, not a bowl!!!!!!), and then went off to help split several cords of wood in the yard. The wood gremlins came today complete with splitter. Mr Rex our neighbor, and his brother-in-law Ray spent several hours splitting wood. Thanks guys...you are much appreciated. I got back in the house by 12:30, showered, and back to party preparations!
Kristin celebrated her 10th birthday today with 7 other little girls. We know her birthday isn't until Tuesday, but it was the only real opportunity we had before the cruise, and since she is having her family party with Ryan in November, it was a way to allow her a time of her own.
Her invatations went out with a cute poem made up by Bill....made to with the teapot song....(Isn't he talented....)
I'm a little teapot,
short and stout,
we're having a party,
please come out!
We will have some supper,
games a& fun,
So come on over,
We started a little after 4pm with tea, cupcake frosting, and enjoying some wonderful cream puffs that Tracey made, along with some yummy snickerdoodles. The girls then were all blindfolded as we did a "draw while blind folded game" I gave them a 'thing' to draw, and they drew it. It was pretty funny. I think Natalie won the prize, when she drew a picture of me...you gotta love it. Every one says what a nice smile I have...now you can see it!! Hahahaha....
We played some fun games, and then Kristin had some other fun games the girls all had fun with while I got super ready. We enjoyed supper together, the kids eating first, and then Alyona, Teresa, Bill & I finishing up while Kristin opened her gifts.
Alyona was a blessing & a great help to me today in getting the table ready for supper (after the messy cupcake fun) and helping to rid everthing up while the girls went off to play. Thanks Alyona...I appreciate your help!
All in all, a great day. The O'Hara girls are here for the night....it's been a long time since we've had a sleep over. I want to say Canada was our last time!! Regardless..it's great having the girls around....it's been fun to hear all the giggling...
This White Rabbit is checking out and headed to bed....my very important date!! Check back for more weekend events soon!!