Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday Fun with the O'Hara's

Today started early with Bill knocking on the trailer door to tell us goodbye and to wake us up. I can say that it was quite an interesting night. Kimberly slept with me, and let me say, I will never complain about Bill stealing covers again! She is little, but she is mighty!

We woke the kids, and everyone did great getting themselves ready. I came in to get breakfast laid out, and all three girls were ready to go by 7.

We headed out the door, and toward Alyona's school where we got in line like cattle to drop her off. After dropping Alyona, we went to drop off Alexis and Tanya at their school. I had an idea of where it was out, and assumed that the school would be marked from the main road like the Jr High was....guess again. After two stops of people walking for directions, we finally found the school. Just as we were about there, Alexis said she wasn't feeling well, and was sick. So, Tanya took me into the school office where I explained that she had gotten sick, and I was taking her home. I was so relieved I had put my shoes on, and taken my slippers off! I was still in sweats and my sleep shirt--but at least not my slippers! If I learned nothing else from Aunt Dolly, it's don't take the kids to school in your bathrobe & slippers, as you're sure to have to get out of your car!! Tanya made sure I was taken care of, then we said goodbye, and I headed home with Alexis....who slept a bit after we got home, and then wanted breakfast after she got up. I think she either was worried about us not finding school, or had gotten car sick. At any rate, we were thankful that she was feeling better.

Ryan stayed home from Kristin's dance class with Alexis, Declan & Kimberly. They were all great, and Ryan did a good job keeping things in check. He even put water on for Mac & Cheese (but forgot to turn the burner on!!!), but all was well when I got home after Kristin's class and had dropped off Margaret to get her hair done.

We spent the afternoon hanging out, until Sean, Tracey, Alyona & Tanya arrived for supper. Just before we sat down to eat, my gift for my birthday from my sister Tammy (and family) showed up. It is a beautiful nativity advent calendar.....magnetic, with doors around to open, and add a piece of the nativity each day. It is so much more than I ever dreamed in a calendar. THANKS TAM & ERIC!! I LOVE IT!! The kids enjoyed putting up one day each...I had a few flying sheep, and one brave wiseman, but they are all back in place now that the kids have gone home!

We had a nice visit, and then cake for Grandma Richards' birthday tomorrow. The girls had a blast decorating the cake that we baked this afternoon.

After cake...a huge nerf gun fight broke out. EVERYONE but Grandma & I were involved....what fun. Even Kimberly, who is little managed to ninja under everyone's fire, and pick up all the stray darts...check out the handful she has at the end of the pictures! It was fun...I wish I'd take a video clip!

Off to the coast tomorrow, and praying for great weather!


The O'Haras said...

Thanks so much for caring for our kids the last two days! I just want to note for people reading that while Shawnna prayed for supper tonight she did thank God that they were not a family of 7! We appreciate you so very much. Thanks for a wonderful meal and for a GREAT evening. I love the pictures of the nerf fight. A video definitely would have captured the chaos! Thanks also for letting them ice the cake! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET! We love you guys! God Bless your big hearts!

Anonymous said...

I love the photos. Laughed right out loud and wished inside we were there.
Curiousity one of the photos I saw a sled/tobaggon hanging on the wall??? in the background? Is that what I think it is?
Please put in a reservation for a nerf fight for when we are there. Thanks....