It's been a busy few weeks. (I'm beginning to wonder if there will ever be "SLOW" weeks!?!?) Ryan has settled into the school schedule, and is doing a great job at getting his homework finished, getting himself up for school, his lunch packed and making the bus on time. He's loving his teachers at school, and overall, I think its a great fit for him. Kristin is happy here at home. She is having a hard time getting back into school here at home, but think it will be better when Bill heads back to school on the 27th...and he has online classes, so they can "work" together!
Last weekend was full.....
Friday night was rehearsal dinner for Robert & Lindsay's wedding. With my work schedule, we ended up there late, but enjoyed dinner with everyone. Jen & Brady came down for the weekend and it was SO good to catch up. It is always so long between visits.

Saturday morning we enjoyed breakfast, coffee and some visiting with Jen & Brad before we had to take off for the wedding.
We made a stop at Creekside for the meat, and got pretty close the site of the wedding and got a call that we had to turn around and retrieve some forgotten items. I was worried about the kids being late for their stations and the meat not being ready...however, I was worried for nothing!

It was a beautiful day, and the ceremony beautiful. Robert cleaned up really well (he looked great) and Lindsay was a beautiful bride, full of smiles all day. The food was great, and before we knew it, it was all winding down. Lots of pictures, and am in the process of sorting them all I took over 700!

Sunday, we headed off to church...enjoyed service, and then said our goodbyes to Jen & Brady as they headed home. We headed home, and in doing so managed to get a 190.00 speeding ticket...just busy chatting with Bill & kids...nice sunny day...didn't set the cruise control! Expensive lesson.
Monday through Wednesday were just, school, and all those other things that make life busy. On Thursday, we had a potluck baby shower for Katie at work.
She is due on September 30th, and there were many of us at work that just wanted to shower her with love for her and her new baby. It was none too soon, as at 6am, we get a post from Nate, that says "Katie's water broke at 5:18...." It was all I could do to get ready and go to work. You would have thought it was me having the baby I was so excited! I headed to work, and around 8:30, I saw a call from Nate..but missed it because I was on the phone with a member. Bill called a few minutes later and said he was heading to Eugene with Kristin because they could not reach Katie's Mom, and they weren't sure if they needed Bill to be with Audrie or take her home. As it worked out, Bill & Kristin hung out and when Katie's mom arrived, I met up with them on my lunch, and found that Katie was only at 4 CM...but having some heavy contractions. We all went for lunch in the cafeteria and let her rest, Bill & I headed back out, he to get Ryan, and me to work. We left Kristin at the hospital, as Katie's mom had some DR appointments, so Kristin could take Audrie out of the room if needed. Good thing we sooner did I get back to work than I got a message from Kristin...Katie's at 9 1/2 cm....she was so excited to be there with them. It wasn't long until Kristin, Katie's mom and Audrie were sent from the room, and less than 25 minutes, Kristin was calling me and her message said" THE BABY IS OUT"!! After that call, it was all I could do to sit still....and my awesome boss came out and said "Get over there!" I was pretty much useless there my heart was with this excitement of a new life, and another pretty little girl to spoil. Audrie will have to share, but there's enough of this "Aunt" to go around!!
I can't even explain what I saw in Kristin when I got was pure exhilaration, pure awe, and she felt so blessed to be included. Nate invited her in right after Katie delivered, and although she was worried this would be family time, she like I would have been, really wanted to be there too. It was an incredible event for her to be a part she will never forget!
The next thing I saw was the sweetest little baby ever. Katie, who looked like she had a rough day at work, rather than just delivered a baby...looked awesome..and poor Nate looked exhausted! Of course, as some of the girls at work could Katie be anything but beautiful.

Nate & Katie, I don't think you know what a special gift it was for us to be there with you more bond in that wonderful friendship we have.