Sunday, June 6, 2010

K-9 Officer Dog Trials in Bend

We woke to sunny skies, and big puffy clouds on Saturday. It was BEAUTIFUL! We got ready and headed through the pass toward Bend where friend Tony who is a K-9 police officer was participating in the Central Oregon K-9 Dog Trials. The pass was beautiful and I thought of all those dear to me who live far away that would have appreciated how beautiful the day was, and how pretty the scenery was. Trust me, I absorbed enough sunshine and beauty for all of us!! After weeks and weeks and weeks of rain, and almost 7 inches this week, Sunshine on Saturday morning was such a blessing...I don't think anything could have kept us inside. Regardless, we were very thankful, as we knew we'd be sitting outside for 3 hours!
Little did we think about sunscreen, especially after the sun dipped behind some clouds after we'd been there about an hour. It was still a nice warm day, but I believe the "magnification" of the sun through those clouds is what did us all in.
We enjoyed the dogs, and the trials...including an agility course, "find the bad guy" in the box, speed in catching an assailant, being called off one bad guy to head to another, and assisting the officer when he is under attack. It was great to watch all the different things, and these dogs are amazing, as are their trainers/owners. Each of these dogs lives with these in & day out. Here is our favorite officer Tony and his dog Creck. Creck has been with Tony for about 2 1/2 years now....after Perry, his previous dog retired. Perry, sadly, was put down this past January, a sad day for all.
Creck & Tony did great in the competition. Although they did not receive any medals, in my opinion, Tony got one of the highest honors ever, when the announcer mentioned that when Tony speaks, his dogs know he means business. He seems to have the respect of fellow officers too.
You can see the respect, and love this dog has for Tony. For example...these two were coming through the box....the way this dog was looking at Tony, he might as well have spoken "Are you OK? Where are we going next? What would you like from me? I Love You Dad!" I know, alot to read from a picture....but you see so much when they are out together. This is a picture of two other Springfield officers and their dogs. Daren & Cyrill on the left #2, Brian & Bronko center #7, and of course Tony and Creck.

Creck over the gate--awesome....

This was the winner of the entire trial....Brian & Bronko...they did a great job!! Congrats!

After visiting on the field, we headed off with Nate, Katie, Audrie, Tony, Tina, Maddy & one other Springfield officer Daren--(Who, by the way was lots of fun!) to Pilot Butte Diner/Burger sandwiches around!! Charlie was amazed we had a police escort to supper!!

It was a great day...lots of fun, and can't wait for the Springfield Trials in 3 weeks. Come on out...June 26th...noon-3! If you are interested in going, let me know, and I'll get you the details! Enjoy the pics below....I've whittled them down from the 888 I took!!

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