Sunday, May 9, 2010

Chelsea the Farm Dog

Chelsea is our oldest dog now. She came to us after Kahlua died, and what we hoped would be a good companion for Bailey. What we have learned, is that Chelsea is a loner, a farm dog, and has the instinct to protect. She is 1/2 shepherd and 1/2 Maremma. Maremma's are bred to be watchdogs on farms, mainly to be with the sheep. We knew she had an instinct to protect, as we've watched that in her barking and her possessive nature about her property line! Over the years we've watched her keep an eye on the kids...always near where they were when the were little....and still watchful when Kristin is outside alone. What we didn't realize, was the nature she really has to heard, to keep her charges safe. Kristin was outside today working with me in the yard, and she had her chicks out there pecking around in the grass. We weren't paying close attention, since they hadn't moved much from the area she put them in, but they started heading toward the driveway. To us it was no big deal, but to Chelsea, she rounded those chicks up, and headed them back to the grass in no time! It was very cool to watch.

Not only did she lay out there with the the entire time, but after she hearded them back to the grass, she stayed close, making sure they didn't get that far from her again.

This is a side we've not seen of Chelsea. However, it was great to see her gentle nature, and even "mothering" side when a chick ended up under the steps. Chelsea was right to her side, and waited with the chick until Kristin got there and got it out of the tall, tangly grass.
Way to go've earned another day or two of keep. Well done!

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