New Beginnings--the fresh start after the storm. Follow along as we dedicate our lives to God after blessing us with a new beginning and another chance to make things right.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Busy Week
I've noticed that not one post lately has not had the word "Busy" in it. I guess that is the only word that sums up our lives lately.Bill is busy with school...I'm busy with a few jobs...the kids are busy at home with school. In between these regular things, we fit other things that are important...and what an awesome weekend we had.Friday we headed out right after work to a Leadership Conference in Corvallis. What an awesome weekend of spending time with the Lord, being refreshed. What a blessing it was that we were given the opportunity to attend. Check out that event here.We spent Sunday being excited for our church! We were able to purchase some property, for a small debt that was owed on it. It's the "Little House on the Prairie" church as my friend Jamie calls it. It is the perfect name for it, as you will see when you look at the pictures. The whole story is here. I walked in and dreamed of VBS day camp once again...something I haven't thought much of in awhile!Monday was a Thanksgiving feast at school. My teaching partner Dana & I each did turkeys...between us we cooked 41 lbs of turkey! With approximately 75 to feed we were worried, but the kitchen gals did some praying and the miracle of "loaves & fishes" happened...we had tons left! It was a great day with the kids, and fun to celebrate with them. Check that out here! This week is a short week for most of us. I have to work on Wednesday until 6, and be back at 10 on pretty much my usual work week! It will be nice to spend a family day at home. No errands, no laundry...just a day together!Happy Thanksgiving from Sweet Home! We have SO much to be thankful for! Thank You LORD!
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