Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Week After Georgia

We've been home 10 days now. The first three were very mopey, as we were missing the Jenkins' family terribly. We were happy to be home, but also missed the warm of Georgia, and of course the family we love so much.

Sunday, Jan 4th--We all were up at 6am....ready for the day....by 8am, were were ready to go back to bed, as the three day drive from GA had finally caught up with us. We napped, unpacked, and Bill set up the Wii for the kids. It was a day of laundry, preparing for the week ahead, and a recuperating day!

Monday, Jan 5th, we returned to work & school. It was an exhausting day for all of us! Tuesday through Thursday we resumed our normal schedules and fell back into our regular groove.

Friday, Jan 9th, Bill has his two lower wisdom teeth extracted. He does very well and we spend the weekend allowing him to rest.

Saturday, Jan 10th--The kids go to the O'Hara's to play, and then they all head here for supper. It was great to be back together again. It was way too long! We had a great visit, and the kids did great sharing the Wii....we will have to have a Wii marathon soon for the kids to get some good time in. Seven kids sharing two controllers was interesting!

Its Tuesday, and we are finally back in the groove of homeschool, home life,and work. Bill is feeling much better, and his first solid meal was two White Castle cheeseburgers (from the freezer--as we don't have them here!),and tonight he wanted nothing more than french fries. God must have known this was on his heart because we received a coupon book from McDonalds in the mail today.

We will be heading to the coast this weekend to visit friends Harry & Flo at Carl Washburne. We are all off on Monday, and 4 days isn't enough to make it to GA & back again! Stay tuned for more pictures soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Wii was a big hit! Have at the coast...wish we could be there!