Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fun with Friends

Thursday morning, we found out that Nana (AKA Tracey's Mom Lynn) was not feeling well. We decided to steal the kids for the day and night, and let Nana have a day of rest, not to mention the "quiet"! The kids had a great time today. We shared a bible lesson on Honor and had a great discussion on that over lunch. The girls played dress up (sorry, I didn't get the camera out) and the boys of course were having a war or ambush of some type outside! They played well until supper, when they all came in to eat. We had a great "giggly" supper, complete with lots of talking, sharing, and pure silliness. Even Bill was a part of that silliness.

Everyone is excited that Today (RIGHT NOW AS I AM POSTING) Sean & Tracey are in court with the girls to legalize the adoption. We are so thrilled for them. God has taken them on an incredible journey. (Check out the O'Hara Link on our page) We've all been praying that things go smoothly, and that the time there will be as short as possible for them. In the mean time, we'll keep stealing their kids here at home, and loving on them, and letting them get away from the "everyday" stuff at home. Sometimes it's harder to be the one at home, than the one away. We know that Mom & Dad are doing the right things by staying and having this special time with the some parents fly home, and then back again when the waiting period is over.

We ended the outside day with a game of "Scardy Cats in the Dark" (Hide & Seek in the dark), and the everyone showered, had a snack, a fun game of aggrevation, and then off to bed they were by 9:30. I can say, they all chatted quietly for awhile, but they're great kids, and easy to put to bed.

1 comment:

The O'Haras said...

Thanks for taking the pictures. It was great to see my kids smiling! and having fun. THANKS! I wrote some comments on their pictures.