Sunday we were blessed with another beautiful day as we headed to church. After church, Bill & Charlie headed to Salem to pick up Aaron so he could spend the day with us. We enjoyed our first real smoked ham. With Kristin & Bill's sugar allergies, we had a half pig cut as usual, but not cured in hams. It was not the traditional ham flavor, but it was very good. More practice and it will be perfect!


Wednesday was a big day for Kristin. She cut off her hair!!

Friday we enjoyed our Pastor's 50th birthday party.

Late was 7:30...even our sack rat Kristin was up at 9:30. She takes after her Big Papa and loves to sleep in! We headed outside as it was a beautiful day. The tree that came down in the snow storm needed to be tackled. Bill cut, Ryan & I moved limbs, started the burn pile and moved cut logs.

Kristin was down at our neighbor Carol's as she was "working" today. Work for her is brushing 5 horses, playing around with goats, and learning farm chores! she feels bad getting paid for doing something she loves. I told her a job that she loves is a blessing everyone wants!

While we stopped for lunch, I took three more chicks to the new pen. They were scared, and hung out on my legs for awhile, but seemed to fit in pretty well. They are all growing so fast. I love the silver laced Wyandottes, they are beautiful....but also our most shy birds. Fat Louise, our lone buff orpington, is still one of my favorites, as are "fuzzy feets", our two dark brahma's. The three that came out today are the 2 new Rhode Island Reds and the lone black sexlink. Sadly, Chickadee didn't make it, and we said goodbye last week. Kristin was relieved because she passed on her own, and she didn't need to decide if she was doing the right thing.

We wrapped things up about 7pm...the yard is looking great after a cut, some grooming and all that is left, is the other half of the tree! SEE MORE PICTURES HERE Time for dinner and a shower....and good intentions for blogging, but WAY too tired! Off to bed, and boy was it a good night sleep!
Here's to a great Sunday--the sun is peeking over mountains, and it's going to be a great day!