Friday, March 25, 2011

March 3, 2011--Saying Goodbye with Friends

Today, March 3rd, 2011--we said goodbye to Bob. There were more people at the church than I could possibly count, but while working on the thank you notes, there must have been more than 200 people. It was amazing to see the support that the family had, and we are so grateful for those prayers, hugs, cards, calls, emails, and the "just being there". Bill & I are especially grateful for those friends of ours who made the time to come out and support us. It means so much to us.

We enjoyed visiting with so many that we haven't seen since our wedding. Friends of Bill's that he hasn't seen since since before we got married. It was a beautiful service with a nice message from an old friend, and a teaching/sermon from Mom's pastor who did an awesome job of pulling all of "Bob" into the message. After, we gathered in the fellowship hall to enjoy some of Bob's favorite desserts.

Once the service was over, we headed back to Bill's Mom's to have dinner with the immediate family that was in town. While the reason to be together was sad, the evening was enjoyed by all of this family, who are more like friends, and enjoyed our short time together. Beth (Bill's oldest sister) made Dad's favorite cheese fondue and everyone had a toast to Bob. It was a great evening, and an opportunity to visit with those who we don't get to see often.

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